About the Vehicles : 2003 Challenge
For the inaugural Challenge held in 2003, 4 different models of vehicle were used - at the time this represented the entire range from Land Rover.
Although different vehicles were used by the competitors for each stage of the Challenge, both Marketing and Logistics dictated that all models could be seen during each stage in all of the different countries.
Number Prepared: 31 (29 used during the main Challenge)
Stages Used by Competitors: Stage 2: South Africa
Notes: The Defenders were essential Logistics vehicles for each location performing duties such as communications, provisions and medical backup.

Discovery II
Number Prepared: 62 (60 used during the main Challenge)
Stages Used by Competitors: Stage 4: USA (Las Vegas + Moab Desert)
Notes: Used by members of the Press and also as additional logistics vehicles, 16 Discoverys were used in Australia, another 24 in South Africa, and the remainder in the US during Stages 1 and 4 as both competitor and press/logistics vehicles.

Freelander I
Number Prepared: 30 (28 used during the main Challenge)
Stages Used by Competitors: Stage 1: USA (New York)
Notes: Primarily used during the first stage in New York State, 4 Freelanders were used as backup vehicles in South Africa and another 4 in Australia.

Range Rover
Number Prepared: 30 (28 used during the main Challenge)
Stages Used by Competitors: Stage 3: Australia
Notes: 2 Range Rovers were sent to South Africa for Press and Logistics, and another 8 were used for the same purpose in the USA during both Stages 1 and 4.